Couple that with a love of being snuggled in blankets, and with my Main Man, and you can see why Fall is my favorite.
Let's talk about three homemade pumpkin choices.
First, pie.
One of the littlest love's favorite books has a line that says "Pie. That reminds me of something… PIE!" He asks me to make him pumpkin pie every year. Do you know buying a sugar or pie pumpkin is actually cheaper than buying it canned? Usually about $1.50 at a grocery store. To turn them into puree, it's as simple as one- cut it into quarters and get rid of the top, bottom and innards. Two- cut the quarters in half and microwave in groups of 4 for 5-6 minutes. It's done when you smash all the way through with a fork. Three- Let it cool for a bit, and peel the leathery rind off, and puree in your blender or food processor. You can freeze it or eat it (gross) or make your favorite recipe for pie.
Second, lets make a pumpkin!

These might look fancy, but they're really simple. Two pieces of 2x6's. One is 10" the other is about 7". A quick coat of orange craft paint, and then orange glitter spray paint. It doesn't look pretty until the glitter paint dries. What you think it white, dries clear. The stems are pinecones, and I added a couple burlap leaves, some berries and leaves from a grouping at Hobby Lobby in the Fall section. Attached some ribbon and it's done! The longest part was holding the pinecones and waiting for the glue to dry!
Last, some pumpkins for inside.
Happy Fall Y'all!
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