Saturday, February 8, 2014

Finish Pinterest Project- Check!

Hello my name is Amy and I'm addicted to Pinterest. 
But who isn't. The humor section can keep boredom at bay for a long time. I'm also addicted to annoying my sister and BFF by sending them pins they probably aren't interested in. 

You know how it goes, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Don't tell anyone, but I don't do everything I pin. Lots of the food ones, less of the DIY ones. Good intentions.
This, though, piece of cake.

Undeniably, the original is better. Possibly because mine took 10 minutes. 

Supply list: unfinished wood board ($2.99 at Hobby Lobby)
hook (that one came from TJ Maxx.)
Lantern (which you can get just about anywhere)
Spray paint in bronze and/or metallic black

To be efficient, I painted the first coat on the wood in bronze and then unloaded the groceries. Tip- use a box in your garage to save from overspray. Before the first coat was dry, I added the black metallic in a light spray. It blended nicely and looks like a lot more work. That night, while watching TV, I got to use my drill to screw the hook on, and hung it up. Seriously. 10 minutes. 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Tools of the Trade

I'm suffering through the Super Bowl waiting for funny commercials. Is it just me, or are you wondering why companies are spending that much for dullsville content. All this heart warming stuff is just plain ridiculous. This is America! We like funny! We like competition! A competition to be the funniest is America at it's finest. Blah.

Today, I bring you my list of must have tools and why I love them. 

First, my glue gun, without which I might never be tardy. I mean be in business. After going through other styles, this is the best because it can be cordless. It charges in its holster which has a drip pad. Warning: when you use it fast over a large surface, it can get clogged. If it starts to get hard to push the stick through, pull the stick out and make sure there isn't any backed up. Warning part II: the trigger will probably snap. Why do I keep buying it? I don't! Which is why I linked you to Joann's. Keep your receipt and they will take it back when it breaks. 
Get it here.

Saves your table because glue doesn't stick to it. The end.

Get it here.

Sorry, no link. They are available in the Joann's store, but not online. Saves your fingers. Best $4 you will spend. It takes a bit to get used to it. But when you do, you'll feel naked without them.

Last November I was over trying to get through two layers of burlap. I wanted something that had a little Home Improvement behind it. More power!! No go. These are in the tool department and are made to cut thin metal and leather. Burlap didn't even put up a fight. Warning: What is leather? Animal skin. They will cut you. I almost required stitches when I cut the tip of my finger. 
Get it here.

Finally, if you don't have this, you aren't a real crafter/designer/artist. You think it's not, but it's really a multi use tool. Cleans out glue guns of debris, cleans the crack of my desk for burlap shards (they will stick in your skin, you can't see them and they do hurt.), gets the paint from under my finger nail, just to name a few. Oh! And you can stab someone if they break into your house. My new office is at the back of the house. I fear intruders daily.

Get it here.

There you have it boys and girls. There are always new must haves, but I'm pretty sure those are going to stay around for quite some time. Have fun!

P.S.- I did like the Heinz commercial, Tim Tebow and the obscurity of the Bruce Willis Honda one.